RWCP10年史 >トピックス > 1998年度 >

Demonstrations at AAAI-98

Five application programs are demonstrated using so-called Multi-modal Personal Computer of notebook size (MMPC) with a microphone and a CCD camera. The programs are as follows:

(1) House design based on realtime spotting recognition of spontaneous speech and gesture. A user can talk with an agent and share the present status of the task displayed by CG.

(2) Speech summary based on automatic segmentation of topic from spontaneous speech. The output of the summary is a sequence of speech segments. The program is language free.

(3) Mutual retrieval between speech and video image of TV news data based on self-organized databases and spotting retrieval. The query is an endless stream of speech or video image.

(4) Flexible realtime gesture recognition based on a new spotting matching method. About 30 categories of gesture are recognized allowing variations such as stopping or reverse motions.

(5) Text retrieval from a self-organized data base obtained by Galaxy Clustering Method.

Multi-modal Personal Computer (MMPC)
(1) House design using speech and gesture

Real World Computing Project (1992-2001)  RWCPメモリアル