Quick Report on SC99

Demonstration of Research Results in the RWCP Seamless

Parallel and Distributed Computing Technology Filed

RWCP participated in SC99 held from November 13 to 19, 1999, in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., exhibiting the research results of parallel and distributed computing technology of the RWC Project.

Main exhibits included a heterogeneous cluster "SCore Cluster I", consisting of Intel and Compaq PCs, developed at the RWCP Tsukuba Research Center, other cluster-related machines, new sopftware programs and their demonstrations, and research results of RWCP distributed laboratories.

For more details, visit our web site at: http://pdswww.rwcp.or.jp/SC99/

1. SC99

	SC: 	High Performance Networking and Computing Conference
		World's largest international conference of parallel and distributed computing. A number of oral presentations, research exhibition, and industry exhibition were held.

	SC99:	November 13-19 in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

2. Brief history of RWCP's participation in SC

	1996: 	Research exhibition by Parallel and Distributed System Software TRC Laboratory
		PC Cluster I, SCore 1.0 system software

	1997: 	PC Cluster research exhibition by Parallel and Distributed System laboratories in TRC 
		PC Cluster II (consisting of 64 CPUs), SCore 2.0, femFlow, and PAPIA

	1998: 	Research exhibition by Seamless Parallel and Distributed Area Laboratories
		PC Cluster II revised version (consisting of 128 CPUs), SCore 2.4 CD-ROM distribution, netCFD, PAPIA, MolTrec, RHiNET, SPST, Comet, Promoter, and Real-Time Power System Simulator

	1999:	Research exhibition of seamless computing systems based on parallel and distributed computing technology

3. List of RWCP laboratories participated in SC99 and their demonstrations

	Parallel and Distributed System Software TRC Laboratory
		SCore Cluster I and its simulation corner
		SCore 2.5 and SCore 3.0 CD-ROM free distribution
		Video presentation on technology transfer

	Parallel Application TRC Laboratory
		PAPIA: Parallel Protein Information Analysis System
		MolTrec: Molecular Dynamics Simulator

	Parallel and Distributed Systems GMD Laboratory
		PROMOTER and its implementation environments PRL and JANUS

	Parallel and Distributed Systems NEC Laboratory
		SPST parallelization tool to efficiently run parallel programs in heterogeneous environments

	Parallel and Distributed System Architecture TRC Laboratory and Optical Interconnection Hitachi Laboratory
		RHiNET Next-generation Local Area Network

	Parallel and Distributed System Performance TRC Laboratory 
		COMPaS II SMP Cluster
		Omni-Open MP Compiler for SMP Cluster

	Multi-Processor Computing Hitachi Laboratory
		WPP that generates codes by parallelizing sequential programs with OpenMP

	Multi-Processor Computing Fujitsu Laboratory
		OpenMP for parallel vector computers: DMP